Category:Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts -> Crafts Country:Poland Featured companiesRosik Justyna i Józef .sp.c. [polish] [english]
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our company profile allows us to cooperate with almost any company involved in any way with metal, silver and gold. Our market share extends from antiques to modernity in production, services, renovation and trade.
We cooperate with corporations, museums and small production-service companies. We make for them in single, short and repeatable series different products, parts, renovations, replicas and services and some of them we present in our website. In the relevant[...]
Pracownia Witraży Irys [polish] [english]
Our Studio focuses its activity on designing, maintaining and creating new stained glass images.
We would like to invite you to the world of colours, amazing light effects
and new sensual and artistic experiences. It is a world in a different dimension.
Our stained glass experience guarantees top-quality craft delivered to you.
All our works are hand-made, using the best materials
available for the Tiffany technique.
A vast majority of the stained glass images we have made and still make[...]
Genius Ceramika Import-Eksport [polish] [english]
We performs also ready wares. We performs by order of ceramic firms, foreign as well country-made work in process ex texture intrusted as well proper.[...]
PHU Benefico [polish] [english]
The Benefico company is the importer - a warehouse distributing the highest quality of the exotic handicrafts from Indonesia. Our unusual and carefully selected products from over a dozen of native wood species like : masks, figurines or usuble objects are being produced entirely hand-made by local artists . The products from our offer are the elements of a unique collections. We can ensure You that we do not have two identical products in our offer because each one is exeptional and unrepeatable.[...]
Turkowiak Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
TURKOWIAK Sp. z o.o. is a modern manufacturing company incorporated in 1959 by Leon Turkowiak.
The Company has considerable manufacturing capacity and qualified staff ready to operate in market conditions and customer-focused.
The Turkowiak Company has specialised in manufacturing frame slats and picture frames. It is a leading company in Poland and in Eastern Europe. It sells its products on the whole domestic market and in many foreign countries.
Turkowiak Sp. z o.o. always offers a vast[...]
Firma Rzeźbiarsko - Sztukatorska SIMA
Firma rzeźbiarsko - sztukatorska „SIMA” istnieje od 1994 roku. Jest firmą rodzinną, założoną przez jej właściciela Henryka Korbańskiego - artystę rzeźbiarza, absolwenta Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Sztuk Plastycznych w Poznaniu.
Dyplom w 1982 roku. Od 1983 Henryk M. Korbański zajmuje się pracami związanymi z renowacją obiektów zabytkowych. Pełnomocnikiem firmy jest syn Michał Korbański - absolwent Zespołu Szkół Budowlanych na kierunku "Renowacja Zabytków Architektury".
Aleksander-print PPHU Anna Ratajczak
Firma zajmuje się drukiem etykiet dla piekarzy i cukierników. Drukujemy na papierach etykietowych, samoprzylepnych, do mrożenia oraz do pieczenia razem z chlebem. Pełna gama kształtów i kolorów. Kartoniki, kółka pod torty.
Drugą gałęzią działalności jest produkcja zaproszeń i zawiadomień na chrzciny, komunie, śluby, rocznice i inne okazje. Wykonujemy je na zabytkowych maszynach
a prace wykończeniowe wykonujemy ręcznie dostępne na www.
Od początku działalności (1996)[...]
Wydawnictwo Artystyczne PIMAX Firma Usługowo- Reklamowa, Introligatornia reklamowa [polish] [english]
Pimax Bookbindery and Artistic Publishing House. We specialize in exceptional hand-made binding of books, albums, business card holders, etc. with precious natural materials such as leather, silk, and parchment. We maintain old, often forgotten techniques of bookbindery and jewelry, which makes each our copy unique. Together we select the leather quality and color, ornaments, initials, logo. For special orders of companies and individuals we make even the most sophisticated designs. Not only may[...]